
Musings on photography, mental health and mountain life.

At War With my Ego

At War With my Ego

In a year where I have been learning to battle the inner negative rhetoric. To have more belief in myself, and more self-confidence. To now suggest that you can’t do everything you want, or rather you can but some of those things won’t end well ergo you can’t or at least shouldn’t, seems contrary to all that I have been learning.

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Capturing Sunrise in the Écrins:

Capturing Sunrise in the Écrins:

When I wasn’t breaking through the crust and sinking to my knees, I was attempting to maintain enough traction to make it to the next rock outcrop. This carried on for another 20 minutes or so until we found a steep gully to climb which brought us up to the ridge and on to a beautiful scramble towards the summit as Dawn was breaking.

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